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Tara Hansen

Practice Manager

What motivated you to work in veterinary medicine?

I started over 23 year ago in a small single doctor practice scooping poop – I fell in love with the veterinary medication while working with Dr Arnie and watching him care for not only the animals but also pets owners

What has been your most rewarding moment working in veterinary medicine?

There have been quite a few – But I love helping people with puppies and helping them to learn how to tube feed and watching pups grow

If you weren’t working at a veterinary clinic, what would you be doing?

Honestly, I am not sure what I would do-

What is the most exotic animal you have treated?

A bobcat brought in by the DNR

What animal scares you more than any other?

Spiders- I will run screaming

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

My family- I could not be who i am with out them-

What do you do in your spare time?

Craft, read, and spend time with my family

What is your favorite comfort food?

Ice Cream and chicken soup

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Judgmental people –

What animals do you currently have?

  1. Lucy – 13 Year old Shitzu cross
  2. Sparky 12 Year old Gray Hound
  3. Harley – 11 year old Black Lab
  4. Coco – 5 year old French Bulldog
  5. Dominio – 2 year ShihTzu
  6. Miles Meowls – Black Cat 3 years
  7. Patch – Calico Cat 8 years

If you were to come back as an animal, what would it be and why?

Falcon/Hawk – I love to watch them fly

What is your favorite childhood movie and why?

Robin Hood Disney – I love the songs

What is your favorite childhood memory?

Being carried by my dad on his shoulders thru the snow – I can still feel the cold and hear the crunch of his boots on the Snow

Name 5 things people might be surprised about if they knew it?

  1. I don’t like the word “Furbaby” It creeps me out
  2. I hate sleeping in.. I love to get up and get the day started
  3. I went to college for Journalism
  4. I HATE Ketchup
  5. I don’t watch tv